Marriage Counseling


Combining two lives does not come without struggles and challenges.

At some point, every couple deals with something that stretches them to their breaking point.

For some couples, it’s an act of betrayal or deception that rocks their world.

For others, it’s the gradual fading of passion until one day they realize they’re more roommates than lovers.

Some couples are plagued with health issues, tragedy, or loss. Others just feel like they’re constantly walking on eggshells.

When your relationship is in need of help, the best thing you can do is meet with a professional who has been trained to work with couples. Many therapists won’t tell you this, but most therapists have little or even no formal training in working with couples.

At the Healing Group, our therapists specialize in working specifically with couples to help them overcome their unique challenges.

You don’t need to face your problems alone.

We can help you heal, find peace, and learn the skills to move forward into the next phase of your life with confidence.