What's On Our Bookshelf? "No Bad Parts" by Richard C. Schwartz
Have you ever felt like there were parts of yourself that you don’t like or don’t understand? THG therapist Keeley Doyle, CSW, gives her a review of a book that can help you appreciate and manage all parts of yourself, even the ones that you’ve tried to hide in the past.
What's On Our Bookshelf? "More Than A Body: Your Body Is An Instrument, Not An Ornament"
Curious what books our therapists are reading? This month specialty intern Riley Glasset, CSW shares why the book More Than A Body: Your Body Is an Instrument, Not an Ornament is one she keeps on her bookshelf.
What's On Our Bookshelf? "The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma" by Bessel van der Kolk, M.D.
Ever wonder what THG therapists read and love? We give you a peek into therapists’ favorite books. This month, THG therapist and Clinical Director Reva Cook, LCSW tells you why The Body Keeps The Score is one of her most referenced books, and why she recommends it to her clients.